Year of the Dragon (1985)
Year of the Dragon
Alternatif 1

Year of the Dragon (1985)
Year of the Dragon
Mickey RourkeJohn LoneArianeLeonard TermoRaymond J. BarryCaroline KavaEddie JonesJoey ChinVictor WongK. Dock YipBau Hon-LamWay Dong WooJimmy SunDaniel DavinMark HammerDennis DunDavid LeeJack KehlerTony LipAl LeongFabia DrakeTisa ChangGerald Orange樊梅生Yukio YamamotoDoreen ChanYip Ha-LeiDermot A. McNamaraVallo BenjaminMyra ChenChin FengYuk Fan YiuRichie HsiuJack LeeIrene JungJosie LeeJiwon ChangKelly WongChi MoyJohnny ShiaGardell TungJeff KhowongChen Chao-jungJerry ChangAileen HoLisa LeeSammy LeeKeenan LeungJames ScalesMing C. LeeKader MaPaul J.Q. LeeManuel FungEmily Woo YamasakiRoza NgGloria AuJadin WongLin Ngan NgJanice WongBruno MillottiLucille D'AgnilloJulian SzumiloCecelia PeiQuan EngGeorge KodischBruce KennedyJames ChinMatthew TungPat FujiGeoff LeeKuni MikamiBilly AsaiChi On Soo HooJohn SparksCarmine VeneziaAnthony ParrilloMatthew CastiglioneSteve HansonRaymond GardnerMichael AcamporaEspérance Pham Thai LanSteven ChenPaul ScaglioneJoseph BonaventuraJilly Rizzo